Friday, May 23, 2008

The days of my life... a car running down trolls. I'm fucked up and getting fucked. That's the way my cookie crumbles. Homemade my grandmother's recipe...I may get carpel tunnel...or just tunnel deep and dark. Chunnel my way b/t metropoli, Greek slaves naked and fighting. My place is no ring, but bitch can fuck you up. I'm country...squirrely in fact...fermented pumpkin holed up with MAC in the tree...surprised? You don't even know me...say my name, bitch...say it right? You gotta bring better game if u want the title let alone flash ur nipple at the Super Bowl. You don't see my fire crotch blazing blogs and rags...not like u haven't seen it before. I've heard it all before...the record is broken, screeching ur banshee ass too long into the night. Bob White sells my coke all through the night...whooper-will...yes I will. Conviction without being convicted I walk that line. It's the and dangerous, but subtle in choice I drop my blade in the bush.

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