Monday, December 3, 2007


It is six months and counting. Like many greats before (Madonna, Paris, etc) I have taken a vow of chastity for one year. Many people, including potential lovers and my close friends, find this bizarre, irrational and upsetting. The whole point of the embargo is that I think young men, hetero and homo, are preoccupied with sex. Plus, I think gay culture in general is over-sexed. So, I have decided for one year (and see from there) that I wouldn't participate in intercourse. I want to see what kind of relationships form and the kind of people I meet when we're not just romping under the sheets in an Ethiopian boredom dance. Does abstaining from intercourse prevent me from dating? No. From going out with my friends? No. From having fun? No. And the one question I'm always asked, "What if you meet *the* one? Easy...if he really is *the* one than he will wait, and moreover if it really is love, then yes sex is important but there are lots of other ways to have fun...and, it'll make for one hot summer! Oh, the pic is a belt buckle given to me in honor of the embargo...

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