Thursday, June 28, 2007


I went to an advanced screening of "Sunshine." Same director as "Trainspotting," "The Beach," and "28 Day Later" so I knew that it couldn't be awful. I'm still on the fence about how good I thought it actually was though. Thankfully a cheap romance wasn't threaded into the plot. And the movie played beautifully (thanks to help from NASA I believe) with the imagery of the sun. Basically in the future our sun is going to burn out, casting Earth into a solar winter. "Sunshine" looks at a last attempt to reignite the sun and save mankind. There are several good twists that keep you on the edge of your seat, but still seemed to move a bit slow at 108 minutes running. I won't give away the ending, but one of the major underlying concepts that drives the film is that we are just star dust...ashes to ashes. So yes, you should go see it. It is a beautiful film, but probably not going to be a huge summer blockbuster like "Die Hard 4" or "Transformers" because it is much more of a movie (in a pure artistic and raw sense) than just pure entertainment aimed at filling the theaters.


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