Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunset Angel

Wings expressive of a man,
I gaze out onto the horizon.
A gift of God, but merely human.

Sil-sitting on reflection,
I watch another sun set my life--
Burns a fearless fire deep within.

My wings rest with a fatigued ease.
Blazed kaleidescopic colors fail to ignite.
The lock's still unopened, latched with no keys.

I look back on where I've been:
Choices, emotion marked by talent and dreams.
Under those rays of sun I can't help grin.

The life I see charted by no map,
Forced into finding a way, forging my path.
Just sitting here life won't fall into my lap.

Cycles and orbs spinning, energies that inter-are.
The sun reflects the myraid of my being.
I feel so close that it's so far.

But in the reflection I start to see.
It's not quite clear from rippling waters,
Changing winds of seasonss on the open sea.

I don't know what's possibly beyond,
But a sun shining bright beams from its core:
I can know our meaningful bonds.

So many questions left unasked, still more unanswered.
Hues shift illumination,
But the other side still remains soul-shadowed.

I'm sitting here on a precipice of dark and light,
Time's judged perceptions in the past from the future.
The sun's scales tilting off balance ushering in the night.

It touches the edge of the planet,
Setting the skies a-fire with a minuet of color,
Reminding us to always remember--never forget.

The sun setting sinks like pain in my heart:
saddened sorrow bleeding through my veins.
It's me, an angel from God, my art.

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