Monday, December 3, 2007


In a recent interview on NPR, Pete Wentz: "I started wearing it because I felt like it tested some boundaries. Smear it. Because if you're a guy, you don't want your makeup to look perfect. My whole point is I think there's something in art where you should be making people feel uncomfortable." Aside from the fact that he should stop taking credit for EMO, rock-and-roll, hipster, et al. guys wearing eyeliner, this quote may be the only reason I have an ounce of respect for the kid. I, too, wear eyeliner. It does push a boundary for many people still...even in NYC. Most guys I have dated are surprised that I'm wearing eyeliner, and even more surprised that they are not totally turned off by it. Point is, if you're true to your style and you are confident in it, other people respect you and find you more attractive.

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