Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hide and seek...

...come out, come out wherever you are!

I find the whole coming out process very cliched. When did it become this obligatory phase to sit down with friends and family and discuss your sexuality? I guess culturally it's always been the large pink elephant in the room (world really) that no one talks about. It's taken the maturity of ourselves to step up to the plate and talk about it. I've come to realize it's not for the one coming out, but for everyone else's benefit because they don't know or don't understand. So this leads me know into the cliched coming out blog post. I think it's best possible scenario, and I really couldn't be happier with how the past 2 months have turned out.

I came out first to my best friends who were very supportive and loving. They're all gay and I'm sure that played a large role in their acceptance, obviously. Actually some are not out, partially out, and out all the way. This first step was the easy part...but how to tell my family. I really got past the cliched obligatory part of telling my family after the recent passing of the 3 remaining grandparents, and my youngest brothers impending college graduation. I realized that part of my family has passed on and they never knew the whole me, and the rest of us were moving on with our lives. I've never been a big family man even though I come from a large family. After moving to NYC and living on my own I really began to know how important close family ties are. At the same time I also accepted that this full disclosure could alienate me from my entire family and I had to be prepared to deal with that. So, with through some very deep heart-to-heart talks with my best friends, I made a conscious decision to make sure I told them 1) in person and 2) before the rest of my friends. I wanted to be sure they heard it from me and not someone else. Then, I also needed to find an appropriate time. I was okay with whenever, but I only see my family on important occaisions and major holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, surgery, funerals, etc.). I did not want my coming out to be a big deal or take away from the few times we are celebrating or mourning as a family. I do not see my sexuality as a big deal and think it's important to convey that to the people I love.

Mum and Dad

I originally wanted to tell my family all at once, but I knew that was very unlikely without other friends or family also present as both my brothers have serious girlfriends and my parents entertain a lot. I knew getting the rentals at once would be easier. I was going home over Memorial Day weekend for my younger brother's graduation, and would have the rest of the weekend to relax at home with my rentals. I really was nervous to be honest. I was certain that mum would be okay because she is so eternally loving and could never disown any of her sons, and believe me we have been putting this theory to the test! I wasn't sure about dad though. I knew he loved me, but he is established as the strong father figure in our family and I often heard him make snide comments about my gay friends. He really follows the middle america, redneck, traditional mentality, although not really conservative or close-minded. That day I talked to one of my best friends who was also home at the beach on vacation and he reminded me that there is never a good time and there will always be a reason not to do it, so just do it! He asked me how I was going to tell them exactly. I knew I couldn't say, "I like boys." or "I prefer guys." or "I think I'm gay." I knew I had to be direct as to avoid any confusion. So as Sunday progressed mum took her nap, and dad was watching the race. After mum woke up we sat in the kitchen with a glass of wine. 4 o'clock is wine time, so we had some cheese and other nibbly things as we began to think about what we wanted to do for supper. I asked if we could eat at the table, to which she agreed. I know that she likes us to sit down and eat together instead of at the counter or living room. I set the table and dad lit the grill. So do it now, during supper, or after? I had put it off this long, but mum was cooking and dad was still tuned into the race. Okay so I put it off a little bit longer. We had cheese burgers, corn, and macaroni and cheese. Our talk was light over dinner. I started to segway talking about my nana who was just passed away, and my youngest brother's graduation the day before. The subject quickly turned. Mum was still so happy that all her boys made it through college in 4 years, etc. My plan wasn't exactly going as I intended. It was still good conversation though. Dad got up and put the milk away. Side note, I grew up drinking milk with supper...and still do. It is a country thing I guess that all of my friends find amusement in that I will drink milk with anything. Anyway, so I knew I had to do it then or else I would have completed defaulted on my extended stay at home...sort of giving myself a guilt trip and a swift kick in the ass. My voiced faultered a bit, but...

"I need to talk to you guys about something."

Dad came and sat back down, rerouting from his short walk to the recliner.

Mum, sounding slightly worried "What is it?"

Me, "Well I tried to bring it up earlier about nana and us all moving out on our own."

Mum, "You can tell us."

Me, "I just want you to know what is going on in my life. I think it's important."

Mum, starting to get more worried and wide-eyed, "It's okay. You can tell us. What is it?"

Me, "I'm gay."

Mum, "Well we were wondering if you were."

Dad, "We still love you. We don't think anything less of you."

Mum, "We just want you to be happy."

Whew. A sense of relief filled the room, and not just for me. We then sat and talked. Well mum and I talked. Dad really didn't say anything else, which I was expecting. We talked about my exgirlfriend, how I knew, how long I knew, who else knows, and so forth. They told me that they don't understand it and didn't want to offend me by asking questions, which caused me to laugh out loud. I reassured them that it would take a lot to offend me and that I wanted them to be comfortable to ask me questions. If I didn't want to or couldn't answer them that I would be honest about it, but that I wanted them to ask me questions and reassured them that I didn't expect them to understand it. Mum also made a comment about my staunch character that she knew I was going to do what I wanted to do anyway, that I always have. It came across slightly insulting, but I knew what she was trying to say. She knew that if they chose not to accept my sexuality that it wouldn't stop me. So the underlying choice that they accepted it before I told them outright really strengthened our relationship, and I love them more now than ever. She did note though that I said I was gay and not that I thought I was. I am the first in my family to be openly gay, but we are pretty sure that her brother who passed away a few years ago was gay. I talked about it with one of my good friends a while ago, but never with my family. I felt slightly miffed that they never talked to me about my uncle in this way, but I still am not sure how exactly they felt about it. I let that one go. I got a big hug from both and we cleaned up dinner. I told them that I was going to tell my brothers, but that they could tell whomever they wanted if they felt comfortable, but I didnt expect them to tell anyone. I made sure they knew I wasn't ashamed and that they were told so they heard it from me first. The next day dad took me to the train to take back to the city. We never talked about it, and still haven't talked about it. However, he gave me a hug and kiss good bye as usual, but this was the longest hug he ever gave me (not the typical macho guy hug that's 10 seconds max with one or two pats on the was a good minute long). And, he told me how much he loved me. I even sensed him getting choked up a bit, but he swallowed hard and let go with a big smile and told me to have safe trip home.

My brothers

I am the middle child, and only since going to college has my relationship with them gotten better. They are both closer with eachother than I am with either of them. I knew they both had friends who were gay and that they didn't have any categorical objections to it. About six weeks after telling my rentals I was going home again for a big family bonfire. I knew I would be able to talk to my brothers then. I pulled them aside individually over the weekend at different times to talk to them. I told them the same way I told my rentals: I wanted them to hear it from me first and that as we are all moving on with our lives I felt it was important they knew what was going on in my life. Both of their first reactions was telling me how happy they were for me followed by a huge bear hug. I found it odd that they both mentioned a trip back during the Christmas holiday they had taken home to visit my uncles (mum's brothers) and they had talked to them both about my uncle (their brother). He told my brothers that the family wanted me to know that it was okay for me to come to them because they were upset that their brother never could or never did tell them. Another side note is that my nana used to always call me by his name by mistake when I was young. My older brother told me though that he wasn't comfortable approaching me about it and felt weird that my uncles had sort of put a resposibility on him to talk to me about it for the whole family. I'm not sure how I feel about my whole family talking about my sexuality when I'm not around given that no one was surprised, but I really do know that it shows how much they love me and really didn't know how to approach it. And as one of my friends jokes with me, "You smell that? *sniff* *sniff* Smells like faggot!" It is something that I've never hidden and I have never tried to act fact I've never tried to act anything. I am always just me. Both my brothers asked about my exgirlfriend and told me how happy they were for me that I was comfortable talking to them. I sensed a greater mutual respect between us really. And now I know that my family loves me for me.

Taking all of this into consideration I have been doing a lot of soul searching and reflecting on my past. That's a whole other post though. The good news is that I'm out to my closest friends and to my family, and I have their love and support. Cheers to that sweetie, darling.

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