Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Faggot Fotch

You may be familiar with the drinking game "Fotch" but at the advent of a threesome some adaptations were made:

2=you [drink]
3=triple kiss
4=whore (you choose who you want to kiss)
5=kiss person on your left
6=dicks (you choose who you want to feel up)
7=hand out 7 "drink" counts
8=kiss person on your right
9=rhyme (e.g. I suck cock, when it's as hard as rock, and never watch the clock....each person adding a phrase)
10=category (e.g. lube brands, sexual positions, etc)
J=rule (e.g. Everytime I drink, you take off an article of clothing)
Q=question (e.q. When was your last hookup?)

Friday, October 3, 2008

My pen's mightier than a sword...ish...

I know what I like to talk about on here and thought it would be fun to compare that to a word cloud (above). Turns out, my perceptions match to the reality of this blog. If you are unfamiliar with these clouds, the size/scale of the world is relative to the frequency of use.