Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sushi Dreaming

So I dreamt last night I was at a Madonna concert and she picked me out of the crowd to come on stage. Her people took me backstage while she continued her performance. They put me in an all black leather outfit and hoist me up in the air, and floated me out on stage where Madonna was in a similar black leather outfit with metal studs, and a whip. She was also tethered up. Madonna began to whip me in rhythm to the song. Part way through she asked me if I wanted it harder and I said yes, so she did. After the song was over we floated around front row finger tips just brushing the crowds. Next song Madonna and I sang together arms around eachothers' shoulders. Weird thing is I don't know the songs she/we sang and have never been to a Madonna concert...some dream.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


M.I.A. dropped "KALA" on Tuesday. I went to Virgin to buy it and got a free poster and banadana. Now I'll fit it with all the other cool kids! She is my favorite artist, though, for those of you who don't know me. I fell in love with Galang before it realeased in the US when I first heard it in a Bugz in the Attic Essential Mix on Radio 1 about 3 years ago. If you haven't heard her, you should at least check out her videos. She is an amazing artist with a lot to say, saying it in a fresh and original way.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Summer Rain

I had the most amazing walk home from the train last night. A strong t-storm cell was blowing through with torrential rain...literally curtains of water. I didn't have my umbrella and I wasn't about to congregate with the local riff-raff at the station, so off I went. It is one of the greatest, most refreshing feelings: cool rain drops falling all over you on a warm summer evening. I was soaking wet, all the way through my underwear, wringing out my water-logged jeans and t-shirt when I got back. The looks from passersby and people holed up under awnings were most I was completely crazy. It's just rain, people. And if I'm any judge of character most of them could use a good soaking!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Colored Dots

When you look at the comic page really close...held all the way up to your's just a bunch of dots. It doesn't make any sense; it doesn't look like anything. Through heartbreak and sorrow, through joy and laughter life looks like a bunch of brightly colored dots--or not. But step back, and see that all those dots are connected. Life is funny that way. We are all connected and makes sense.